Faculty Profile

Ronald D. Lippi – Assoc. Prof. of Anthropology

Ph.D. (Anthropology), U. of Wisconsin–Madison
M.S. (Anthropology), U. of Wisconsin–Madison
B. Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, U. of Minnesota

Specialization: Archaeology of South America


Courses Taught:

General Anthropology, Physical Anthropology, Archaeology and the Prehistoric World, Cultural Anthropology, Indians of North America, Indians of Central and South America, Freshman Seminar, Ethnic Minorities in Majority Cultures


Awards and Grants:

  • National Science Foundation research award (1978-79)
  • Fulbright Scholarships (1978-79, 1992)
  • Museo del Banco Central del Ecuador grants (1981, 1984-87)
  • University of Wisconsin Colleges research grants (1991, 1993)
  • UWMC Foundation research grants (1992, 1994)
  • University of Wisconsin System Lab Modernization grant (1992)
  • Arthur M. Kaplan Teaching Fellow (1994)


Professional Associations:

  • Society for American Archaeology
  • American Anthropological Association
  • Institute of Andean Studies
  • Wisconsin Archaeological Survey


Selected Publications:


Research Papers in Prestigious Journals:

Maize recovered at La Ponga, an early Ecuadorian site – R. Lippi, R. Bird and D. Stemper, American Antiquity, v. 49, 1984.

Sondeos pedologicos en Nambillo: un metodo de prospeccion subterranea – R. Lippi and M. Suarez, Miscelanea Antropologica Ecuatoriana, v. 5, 1985.

La seriacion fordiana en arqueologia–defectos basicos y una alternativa – R. Lippi, Antropologia Ecuatoriana, v. 4-5, 1987

Paleotopography and phosphate analysis of a buried jungle site in Ecuador – R. Lippi, Journal of Field Archaeology, v. 15, 1988.

La arqueologia de los Yumbos: Resultados de prospecciones en el Pichincha Occidental – R. Lippi, Memoirs of the 45th Intl. Congress of Americanists, v. 3, 1989.



La Primera Revolución Ecuatoriana: El Desarrollo de la Vida Agricola en el Antiguo Ecuador – R. Lippi, Abya-Yala, Quito, in press

Una Exploración Arqueologica del Pichincha Occidental, Ecuador – R. Lippi, in preparation


Consultation and Professional Community Service:

Frequent reviewer of manuscripts and research proposals on South American archaeology


Potential Topics for Classroom or General Presentation:

human evolution, race and racism, world prehistory, prehistory of North or South America, native peoples and cultures of North or South America, Latin American cultures, linguistics, religion and magic, indigenous peoples of the world, etc.


Available for consultation on archaeological resources, Spanish-English translation, racism

1 thought on “Faculty Profile”

  1. Hello professor Lippi- I was once a student of yours and never forgot you. I attended an anthropology course of yours at UWMC that opened my eyes, that enlightened me, that transformed the way I perceived the world. I thank you for that, I celebrate you for that. Best wishes to you and your family.

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